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Jen Bergren

Jen Bergren

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Change Management in RevOps: Book excerpt

Here is another excerpt from my in-progress 'What is RevOps?' book, the first half of the chapter about the people principle in RevOps, related to human behavior and related human-centered topics for ...
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Documentation in RevOps: Book excerpt

Here is another excerpt from my in-progress 'What is RevOps?' book, the second half of the chapter about processes and documentation, which is most relevant to my usual blog topics. It's currently ...
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Process Strategy in RevOps: Book excerpt

It's been a while since I shared a book excerpt in the book newsletter, which I had started for accountability and sharing insights before I finally complete the 'What is RevOps?' book...but it ...
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RevOpsAF Conference Part 3

RevOps Co-op's RevOpsAF conference was recently held in San Diego, as the first RevOps Conference created by RevOps Professionals for the RevOps Community. I wrote about the first few sessions I ...
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RevOpsAF Conference Part 2

RevOps Co-op's RevOpsAF conference was recently held in San Diego, as the first RevOps Conference created by RevOps Professionals for the RevOps Community. I wrote about the first few sessions I ...
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RevOpsAF Conference Part 1

I recently attended RevOps Co-op's RevOpsAF conference here in San Diego, which was the first and only RevOps Conference created by RevOps Professionals for the RevOps Community.
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Documenting Processes and Building Communities on The RevOps Review Podcast

Thank you to Jeff Igancio for inviting me to the RevOps Review podcastto talk about documenting processes and building community!
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Trainual's How to Build a Business Playbook Masterclass

I recently watched Trainual's How to Build a Business Playbook masterclass since it is related to documentation, and I hope this overview, summary, and takeaways are helpful!
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How to Overcome Objections to Documentation: Part 4

When you're trying to convince people to use, create, update, or manage documentation, you'll likely face objections. Because most companies don't have a good practice of process documentation, many ...
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How to Overcome Objections to Documentation: Part 3

Many people have never experienced the benefits of written, updated standard operating procedures (SOPs). This inexperience means you may face many objections when you're trying to introduce process ...
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