Jen Bergren Blog

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The days are getting colder, have a warm heart, join us in this journey to make education accessible to everyone!

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RevOpsAF Conference Part 3

RevOps Co-op's RevOpsAF conference was recently held in San Diego, as the first RevOps Conference created by RevOps Professionals for the RevOps Community. I wrote about the first few sessions I ...
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RevOpsAF Conference Part 2

RevOps Co-op's RevOpsAF conference was recently held in San Diego, as the first RevOps Conference created by RevOps Professionals for the RevOps Community. I wrote about the first few sessions I ...
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RevOpsAF Conference Part 1

I recently attended RevOps Co-op's RevOpsAF conference here in San Diego, which was the first and only RevOps Conference created by RevOps Professionals for the RevOps Community.
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Documenting Processes and Building Communities on The RevOps Review Podcast

Thank you to Jeff Igancio for inviting me to the RevOps Review podcastto talk about documenting processes and building community!
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Event Summary: Documenting Success from Demand and Ops Unboxed

Thank you to Travis Scott for inviting me to the Demand & Ops Unboxed podcast to talk about documenting your business processes! We tested a new recording process on LinkedIn Live, and then ...
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Event Summary: 3:44 Live Show: Document Your Business Processes

Thank you to Trevor van Woerden for inviting me to the 3:44 show to talk about documenting your business processes! Thank you to Leslie Greenwood of Chief Evangelist Consulting for recommending me! ...
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Event Summary: Using Teamwork to Document Processes

Culturish, remote culture experts, recently hosted a Teamwork User Group session about 'Using Teamwork to Document Processes' with Susan Fennema, Chaos Eradicating Officer (CEO) of Beyond the Chaos. ...
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Event Summary: ZenPilot's How to build company processes webinar

ZenPilot, agency project management and operations experts, recently hosted a webinar about 'How to build company processes—the fun and easy way.' ZenPilot's Content Marketing Manager, Jakub "Kuba" ...
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Event Summary: Operations Nation Documentation ConversatiON with Jen Bergren

Operations Nation (ON), a community-powered knowledge hub for operations leaders, hosted a ConversatiON with Co-founder Charlene Chen and me about how to set up your company for success by getting ...
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Event Summary: Documentation HubSpot Admin HUG with Nicole Pereira

The HubSpot Admin HUG (Hubspot User Group), hosted by HubSpot Evangelist Kyle Jepson, held an event on "How to Create Exceptional Documentation," featuring Nicole Pereira, Founder of Remotish and ...
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